Staff Meetings & Calls

Meetings & Calls


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2 Comments on Staff Meetings & Calls

    Ricardo Jardim
    April 7, 2022

    NEW QUESTIONS – 2022-04-07 T11.22
    – take quality notes, they are your bread and butter and crucial to put what’s in your mind right in front of you
    – be yourself, show your personality
    – be technical, adding your own twist
    – manage your time properly, remember that each video you record has a time limit of two minutes; thus make a plan, practice, and the end result will be what you are expecting.
    – For each question there is a set of bullet points that will not only guide you through the process but also will tell you all the information you must provide on your recording.
    – Remember: your video may or will be probably seen by Companies, CTOs, and/or recruiters.
    Q1 – Tell Me About Yourself

    Right at the beginning of a technical interview the CTO asks you this question. Not being a question per se, it is an open request for you to tell and say the most interesting things about yourself technically, and what makes you a unique professional and individual.
    – if you are working at the moment, what do you like the most about it? [if you are not working right now, you may use your previous job]
    – The CTO knows your complete name and many things about you already, it’s all on your CV, isn’t it? Thus, use only your first name when you introduce yourself, saying additional and complementary technical things to what’s on your CV.
    Q2 – What is the biggest technical challenge you have faced in a project in the last two years?

    This one is challenging but you will have fun taking notes and preparing the content of your recording.
    As before, the interviewer is a CTO.
    Here are the key points you must include in the content of your answer and recording:
    – why that was a challenge for you?
    – what single (and most important) action was taken to overcome that challenge
    – what was the actual outcome/result of that action [from a technical perspective]
    – [at the end of your recording, to conclude your narrative] How would you connect the way you solved that challenge to the positions you are aiming at?
    Q3 – What would be the ideal position for you and why?

    This one is relatively simple and you should be in your comfort zone.
    As previously, the interviewer is a CTO.
    In the content of you answer and recording, you must include the following key points:
    – state the title of the position + two key responsibilities
    – What would be the ideal stack and set of tools?
    – three reasons why that would be the ideal position for you
    – include a 30 second elevator pitch to sell yourself to that ideal position [include 3 past examples to support that]


    Ricardo Jardim
    April 7, 2022

    Meeting Minutes

    Tuesday April 05, 12 pm

    Head: Ricardo Jardim
    Attendees: Adauto Camargo, Regine Benedetti, Ricardo Delfin
    Absentees: Zoe van Leeuwen

    – New UI was introduced and explained; it was supposed to be used the day after but two bugs were detected; it was decided until both bugs were fixed before starting to use the new UI
    – The new proposed changes for all three question was shared and explained; everybody expressed their opinions and gave some feedback
    – It was shown that the consultant profile must have a thumbnail in order not to stop the admin flow of the page; without it, it is not possible to identify visually any consultant on the new UI

    – all profiles must have thumbnails
    – we would start using the new UI only once both bugs were fixed

    – Photos to be sent to Jardim, so they can be touched and uploaded to the profile page

    Thursday April 07, 1pm
    Head: Ricardo Jardim
    Attendees: Adauto Camargo, Regine Benedetti, Ricardo Delfin, Zoe van Leeuwen

    – New UI update & Questions update
    – Payroll – what is the best way to pay everybody quickly?
    – Workshop: four videos were seen, and real assessments were done based on them, then results were compared, debated, and analysed

    >> Everybody will get paid weekly
    >> All consultants will send in their reports every Monday by noon
    >> All payments will be done in 24 hours

    – New UI
    >> Start using the new UI starting on Friday April 08
    >> Consultants without thumbnail will not be able to have assessments allocated to them


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